Why donate?
Research is badly underfunded
The NIH spends <4% of its budget for research over the entire spectrum of childhood cancers.
The American Cancer Society allocates <3% of its budget to all pediatric cancers.
Drug companies historically have not invested in new and less toxic treatments for Ewing's sarcoma because they are "not profitable enough.”
Ewing's treatments greatly increase the risk of serious medical issues
For all patients who survive, treatments leave them with life-long after-effects:
pain; physical, cognitive, and emotional dys-function; and susceptibility to secondary cancers and early death.
Read a recent summary of a study about the problem of late effects of treatment here.
No new drugs, no proven treatment for relapse
No new or less toxic treatments for Ewing's sarcoma have been developed in over 30 years.
For patients with Ewing's that has spread, there is NO established treatment protocol. Not one proven treatment strategy. 7 of 10 die within 5 years
Available funding for research does not meet the need.
Private organizations like the Nick Teddy Foundation, and individuals like you,
must work together to fund research and support for Ewing's sarcoma patients.
Please consider a generous gift through any of the following avenues.
PayPal Donation
By Check or Cash
Payable to:
Nick Teddy Foundation
Mail to:
P.O. Box 133
Port Byron, IL 61275
Please also consider joining us on September 18, 2021
for our Nick Teddy 5k,
as a participant, donor/contributor, or volunteer.